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Private residential halls for students and bogus landlords
With growing numbers of students moving to University, a warning has been issued that they should be wary of fraudsters who are looking to take advantage of high demand for student accommodation.
Action Fraud says its issuing the warning before the new University term begins as students are targeted with adverts for fake lettings.
There’s always a spike in complaints with returning students along with first-year freshers looking to find student houses to let online.
However, many of the bogus adverts offer homes which have already been rented out to student tenants or offer homes that are owned by a landlord and some which don’t even exist.
One reason that so many students are attracted to these properties is the rents are advertised at attractive rates and are in prime locations and many believe the adverts to be genuine.
Bogus landlord will persuade the student victim into handing over cash
The bogus landlord will persuade the student victim into handing over cash before they even visit the flat or house and claim that demand is high so if they don’t pay up someone else will move in.
Here at studenthalls.co.uk we are always interested to see developments in private residential halls for students because of the quality of accommodation on offer.
Also, and this could be a crucial point for many students particularly those from overseas, these private halls are often run by developers and specialist student accommodation firms.
For this reason, they are easy to find online and it’s easy to arrange a visit to see whether they are worth moving into; many of them are also recommended by universities and those running private halls have an excellent track record.
This issue of having to deal with bogus landlords and face the prospect of being several hundred pounds out-of-pocket is a growing problem and we would urge all students to tread carefully when contacting private landlords online.
If they have any doubts they should contact the student union and university authorities to find out whether the landlord has been checked and is on an approved list.
Take a closer look at private residential halls for students
For those who don’t have the time but are looking for quality student accommodation then take a closer look at private residential halls for students which come highly recommended with mod cons, round-the-clock security and a manned reception desk.
Private halls offer quality and an ideal place to study and make friends with lots of facilities including for many of them cinema and games rooms, cafes, shops, study areas as well as breakout areas.
It should come as some comfort for anybody looking for quality private residential halls for students that they are very unlikely to be dealing with bogus landlords since those offering private halls have impressive websites and lots of contact details to bring peace of mind.
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